What is Heartburn and Why Does it Happen?

Heartburn, as the name suggests, is a horribly painful and uncomfortable feeling that arises in the chest due to acid coming up from the stomach and toward the throat. This is also referred to as acid reflux. When it is recurrent or severe, it may be GERD (gastro oesophageal reflux disorder)

There are a number of reasons why heartburn may occur. Sometimes, it could happen from something as simple as food or drink that you’ve ingested. Other times, the reasons can get a little more complicated. Being overweight, pregnancy, smoking, drinking alcohol, and or a hiatus hernia (where part of your stomach moves up into the chest).


Common Heartburn Triggers

Common foods and drinks that may trigger heartburn include coffee, alcohol, spicy foods, greasy or fatty foods, pizza, chips or other processed snacks, and cheese. While these are the common culprits, this list is by no means exhaustive and your specific heartburn trigger may not be listed here.


Home Remedies for Heartburn Relief

Recognize and Avoid Your Food Triggers

Can’t seem to eat pizza with hot sauce anymore? Stay away from it! Try to be mindful of which foods and drinks you ingest that trigger your heartburn flare ups. If it helps to keep a food journal, go for it! You can record what you eat and how you feel afterwards. This can help you to avoid your trigger foods more easily.


Eat a Ripe Banana

Bananas are loaded with potassium, which makes it a naturally alkaline food that is great at counteracting the effects of your stomach acid. However, you have to be sure that your banana is ripe, as an unripe banana can actually have the opposite effect.


Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

This can prevent overeating, which in turn prevents your stomach getting too full, and ‘pushing’ the stomach acid up towards your throat. Also, try to avoid big meals before bedtime when you lay down and the effects of heartburn can worsen.


Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking is not only one of the best things you can do for your overall health, but it does a world of wonders in terms of that pesky heartburn you may experience from time to time. In regards to heartburn, smoking decreases saliva and affects the valve that prevents acid from coming up into the throat.


Try an Over-The-Counter Medication

An OTC medication can do wonders for heartburn relief. There are plenty of options available at your local pharmacy, like antacids and histamine blockers. Ask your pharmacist what she recommends. Alternatively, if you believe you need something stronger, see your healthcare provider for a prescription medication.


Minimise Stress

Believe it or not, stress also plays a role in heartburn flare ups. Stress slows digestion and decreases our sensitivity to pain. That can make heartburn more frequent and less bearable. Try breathing exercises, gentle movement such as yoga, or curling up with your favourite book to sit back and relax a little.


Home Remedies for Heartburn Relief