Sooner or later everyone will experience the messiness of diarrhoea; when that time comes, you need to be ready. In this article, we’ve outlined 5 strategies that you can implement to remedy your diarrhoea today.

Read on to learn how to stop diarrhoea today.


1. Make Sure You Stay Hydrated

The simplest and perhaps the most effective way to combat diarrhoea is to stay hydrated. When one has diarrhoea, they’ll likely be dehydrated, as the condition causes the body to lose water. Make sure to drink lots of water to combat this.

It’s also important to understand that it’s not just about water, but minerals as well. Staying hydrated is all about having the right electrolytes in your system. You need to ensure your ailing body has enough magnesium, calcium, sodium, and other things.

An electrolyte sports drink is a great option; try to avoid drinks that cause dehydration, like caffeine, alcohol, and soda. Also, avoid milk, as it doesn’t digest well for most people, let alone when they’ve got diarrhoea.


2. Eat the Right Foods

Your diet impacts your diarrhoea; eating the right foods can help mitigate your illness more than others. Even though it seems like eating more would just make it worse this isn’t the case. You should continue to eat to ensure your body gets the right nutrients.

So, what kinds of foods help with diarrhoea? You’ll want to eat foods that won’t upset your stomach, are easy to digest and will thicken up your stool. 

Some examples of foods that meet these criteria include white rice, toast, bananas, and applesauce. Oatmeal, chicken soup, and baked or boiled potatoes are also good options. All of these foods are low in fibre, so they’ll avoid creating any dramas with your upset stomach.


3. Avoid the Wrong Foods

You’ll likely struggle to stick to just the “good” foods mentioned earlier. Given this, it’s important to also know what to avoid eating. In general, you’ll want to avoid foods that are heavily greased; people who have diarrhoea don’t tolerate them well.

Also make sure you avoid foods with high amounts of fibre, such as apples, broccoli, beans, avocados, and berries. Any fruits or vegetables that have lots of fibre in them. The problem with these foods is that they can cause bloating, which makes diarrhoea worse.

Also keep an eye out for dairy products, alcohol products, and caffeine products. 


4. Use an Over-The-Counter Drug (OTC)

Have you tried the strategies above but not found any relief from your diarrhoea? At this point, you should consider an over-the-counter drug to remedy your ailment. They won’t address the cause of your diarrhoea, but they’ll certainly address the symptoms.

Popular over-the-counter drugs that address diarrhoea include Pepto-Bismol, Imodium, and Kaopectate. It’s a good idea that you go to your GP and get his take on things before you go down this route. When drugs are introduced, whether OTC or prescriptions, there are concerns. 



If none of these 4 strategies has solved your diarrhoea then you should seek immediate medical attention. You may have a more serious issue, one that urgently needs to be addressed.

Hopefully, this isn’t the case for you; we hope the information outlined in this article provided value to you.

How to Stop Diarrhoea (4 Strategies)